Welcome to Telegraphy’s documentation!

Project home: https://github.com/machinalis/telegraphy/

The Telegraphy Project provides real time events for WSGI Python applications with additional features such as event filtering, subscription persistence and authorization/authentication.

It’s initially intended for Django but you can extend it to any WSGI framework.

WebSocket pub/sub and RPC is based on AutobahnPython implementation of WAMP protocol

Getting It

You can get Telegraphy by using pip:

$ pip install telegraphy

Or grab the source code from the GitHub repository and run setup.py:

$ git clone git://github.com/machinalis/telegraphy/telegraphy.git
$ cd telegraphy
$ python setup.py install

For more detailed instructions check out our Installation instructions. Enjoy.

Get Involved

We are eager to hear from the community: to receive suggestions, bug-reports, participate in discussions and improve Telegraphy as much as it’s possible.

For all of that, we have a Google group in http://groups.google.com/group/telegraphy

Also, to guide the development efforts and issues, we are using GitHub’s issue tracker.

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